Membership Cancellation
It is the responsibility of the member to inform the Y of a membership cancellation. Cancellation requests must be submitted and received in writing by the 25th of the month prior to the next bank draft in order to take effect by the 1st of the following month; and if cancellation request is submitted after the 25th, another bank draft will occur.
cancellation request is submitted between the 1st and 25th of current month:
If Membership cancellation will be processed prior to the next draft and membership will remain active through the end of the current month.
Example: If cancellation request is submitted on the 20th of November, membership will be cancelled effective November 30th.
cancellation request is submitted between the 26th and 31st of current month:
Membership will be drafted for the following month and cancellation will be processed for the end of that month.
Example: If cancellation request is submitted on the 30th of November, membership will be drafted for December and membership will be cancelled effective December 31st.
In need of financial assistance?
The Ann Arbor Y offers financial assistance for membership on a case-by-case basis dependent upon gross annual income, household, and special circumstances. We utilize current Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income data in Washtenaw County in order to distribute aid in a way that reflects our community.
Scholarships are awarded on the 1st and the 15th of each month. If you submit your application between the 2nd and the 15th of the month, your membership will be approved for the 1st of the following month. If you submit your application between the 16th and 1st, your membership will be approved for the 15th of the following month. All applications require written proof of income to determine the appropriate scholarship award every 6 months.
For more information, please contact Noah Moorehouse, Financial Assistance Coordinator, at or 734.661.8046.
For questions about your membership please include your name, phone number and question or comment in an email to