Camp AGQ
Visit the Camp-specific website
All information regarding Camp AGQ 2025 can be found at
Ann Arbor Y Camp AGQ at Burt Lake, MI
Ann Arbor Y Camp AGQ, situated on beautiful Burt Lake, MI is home to 1300 campers each summer. AGQ’s mission is to put our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility into action through facilities and programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
AGQ offers a traditional overnight camp experience for campers ages 8-16. Campers bunk in semi-rustic cabins with role model counselors who facilitate a transformative camp experience focused on youth development principles. You can download a typical daily schedule of the activities that work to develop social, emotional, and life skills. Whether it is for our four-day Mini Camp or for multiple sessions, we hope your camper returns home with some of the best memories possible, increased confidence and self-esteem, an appreciation for the out-of-doors and a summer experience unlike any other. If you have questions about our camp, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting your camper on the shores of Burt Lake!
Whether you are a prospective parent, a current camper or a proud alumnus, thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns.

Camp AGQ Details
Details regarding session rates, registration steps, financial assistance, transportation, and more can be found at
Directions to Camp
The camp is located on the southwest shore of Burt Lake: 9928 M-68, Burt Lake MI 49717.
From Ann Arbor, take 23 North to I-75; I-75 North to exit 310, Indian River (M-68). At the end of the exit ramp turn left (west) and follow the signs toward Petoskey. Take a left turn at the stoplight at Ken’s Market, and a right at the stop light by Vivio’s Restaurant and BP. Camp is located about 4 miles on the right after Vivio’s. It is between Rogers Road and Resort Road.
- On Google maps, search “Ann Arbor YMCA Camp Al-Gon-Quian”
- Distance from Ann Arbor: 250 miles
- Drive Time from Ann Arbor: 3.5-4 hours
Contact Information
Ann Arbor YMCA Website:
Ann Arbor YMCA Front Desk: 734-996-9622
Ann Arbor YMCA Fax: 734-661-8060
Camp AGQ Office: 734-661-8051 (September-May)
Summer Office at Camp AGQ: 231-548-5343 (June-August)
